Welcome to Math 2B/3A. This year we will finish the Math 2 book (mostly quadratic functions, similarity, right triangle trig, area and volume) and start the Math 3 book (mostly polynomials, series and statistics). There is a lot of variety in the topics and I hope you find them interesting. I am here to help so please make sure you ask questions in class and/or come see me outside of class if you are having difficulty.
I have two sections of this class: B-Block and F-Block. The syllabus listed is for B-Block. The only difference for F-Block is that the listings for Tuesdays happen on Wednesdays.
The first quick unit is a review of exponents and radicals.
9/05 Rosh Hashanah - no school
9/06 Year opener (to see what you remember)
9/09 Radicals (1.02, 1.03) - Definition, Rules
CW p.10-11/4, 5, 10; p.12/1-4; p.14/6 HW p.10-11/6, 7, 9; p.14-15/1, 9, 10
9/10 Simplifying Radicals (1.04)
CW p.16/1-4; p.17/5-8; p.18/6 HW p.18-20/5, 8, 9, 11
9/12 Radicals and Roots (1.06) Half Day C B A G
CW p.29/1-7; p.31/2, 3 HW p.31-32/5, 6, 7, 10 (for #5, just simplify the left side)
9/13 Extra Practice (in class for B-Block, download here for F-Block)
9/16 Review Exponent Rules
CW Getting Started p.35/1-5 HW p.36/6-9, 11 (Hint for 11: 81 = 3 raised to what exponent?)
9/17 Catch up on ideas, start Rational Roots (1.11)
9/19 Rational Roots (1.11)
CW p.54/1,2; p.56/3-5; p.56-57/1-3, 6 HW p.57-58/9-11, 13, 15, 16
9/20 More Practice/Review Activity (and more Review Materials - with an answer key)
9/20 Quiz of Radicals and Exponents