The next chapter deals with Sequences (lists of numbers) and Series (the sum of a sequence). The syllabus below is very rough right now but will get more detailed as we work through the unit and I determine what is the correct pacing. Check back often.
4/07 2.00 Explicit vs Recursive (B-Block on MacBeth Fieldtrip)
HW read p.78-81, do p.83-84/4-6, 7a, 8, 10, 11a
4/08 2.01 Getting Started
CW/HW p.87-90/1-4, 6, 10, 14
4/10 2.10 Arithmetic Sequences and Series (Sequence part only)
HW p.133-135/1, 2, 5, 6a, 9-12
4/11 2.11 Geometric Sequences and Series (Sequence part only) (Give out 2013 MCAS exam)
HW p.140/1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7a-d
4/14 2.02 Sum of Arithmetic Series - Gauss' Method (First Night of Passover)
4/15 2.02 Sum of Geometric Series - Euclid's Method
4/17 Parallel Partner Quiz
4/18 Good Friday - No School
4/19 - 4/27 April Vacation
4/28 2.04 Sigma Notation
CW p.100/1a-d, 3a, 4 HW p.102/8, 9 and p.103/4, 5, 8
4/29 2.05 Sigma Identities Exploration
CW p.105/1, 2 and p.113/3, 4 HW 2.07 p.115-117/1-4, 15
5/01 2.06 Definite and Indefinite Sums
CW p.108/1-4 and p.110/3d,e HW p.111/4-7, 9
5/02 MCAS Review
5/05 2.10 Arithmetic Series, 2.11 Geometric Series
due by Friday: HW p.133-135/4, 8a, 13, 16, 17, 20,
and HW p.140-144/4, 9, 11, 12, 18
5/06 2.12 Limits
HW finish handout
5/08 Half Day C A G F (Bus Evacuation Drill for part of F-Block)
5/09 Review (Answer Key)
5/12 Ch 2 Test
5/13 Math MCAS, then A G H B
5/14 Math MCAS, then C E F H D